Behaviour & Personal Development
Behaviour & Personal Development
As a school that caters for pupils with extremely complex needs, often the result of experiencing trauma during their early years, it is imperative to identify the root cause of any behaviour in order to support their social and emotional needs. Therefore, it is of the highest importance that policies surrounding behaviour and supporting emotional needs are flexible, effective, and centered on building positive relationships and being endlessly positive.
Some of our pupils may also have histories of rejection and exclusion from previous educational settings. To support them and meet their needs, they are often taught by us 1:1 in satellite locations and work towards being able to access a small classroom environment when they are ready.
To ensure this is effective, we have a well-organised and supportive team who use a combination of strategies to support, encourage, and reward behaviour that is conducive to learning and focuses on achievements and values wherever possible.
Many of our pupils have not experienced secure attachments throughout their early years, and developing positive relationships with staff members can help to make up for some of the social and emotional development that has been missed.
Each pupil is supported differently but the key principles for all support include:
- Unconditional positive regard for our pupils and everyone we work with
- Caring relationships with staff that are underpinned by positive support, appropriate boundaries, and empathy
- Consideration of any need that is not being met and the possible years of difficulty that has led the pupil to their current situation and level of need
- Communication that is clear, consistent and positive (or in some cases, appropriately passive)
- Consistency in support, interactions and (high) expectations for behaviour and learning – being predictable is very important
- Co-operation with pupils to explore their emotions and reflect on how they may have been feeling, and working together to overcome challenges or difficult behaviours
These principles are important whether pupils are supported in classrooms onsite or at a satellite location using our ‘Classroom in a Bag’.